vs code tasks - 11-12-21

For the past years whenever I needed to lint or test a single file I would:

  • right click it in the navigation tree
  • copy relative path
  • open the built in terminal with Command-J
  • Control-R to search recent commands for ’npm run test’ or ’npm run lint'
  • Select old path in the command and paste with path I want to test
  • hit Enter
  • wait

Over time doing this adds up. Recently I stumbled upon VS Code Tasks and found a way to speed things up. By configuring the following tasks.json:

	"version": "2.0.0",
	"tasks": [
			"type": "shell",
			"label": "test single xxxxx file",
			"command": "npm run test -- ${file} --coverage=false",
			"problemMatcher": []
			"type": "shell",
			"label": "lint and fix single file xxxxx file",
			"command": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint ${file} --fix",
			"problemMatcher": []

Now to test the file that I’m currently working on I:

  • Command-Shift-P to bring up commands input
  • Usually ‘Tasks: Run Task’ is the last run command so just press Enter, In the case it is not typing ‘Task’ is enough to bring it up
  • Then the lint and test tasks appier in the drop down and all I have to do is hit Enter again
  • wait
  • profit

Don’t know why I held out on customizing VS Code so long! Wonder what other time saving features there are?

source: vs code docs

\- [ vscode ]