re export - 01-05-22

Today when writing a React hook I imported an enum type from another section of code. This enum was used as an argument to the hook. Any components that used this hook would also need to import that type enum. So just to use the hook at a minimum the component would need to import two things, the hook itself, and the type enum. To many imports cluttering stuff us!

import useCoolHook from 'Client/hooks/CoolHoook';
import HatStyleEnum from 'Client/hats/styles';

cool = useCoolHook(HatStyleEnum.cowboy);

What I found is the ability to re-export the type from the hook to keep the enum bundled with the hook and more easily accessible.

export {HatStyleEnum} from 'Client/hats/styles';

export const useCoolHook = (hatId: HatStyleEnum) => {

This way the components only have to have one import, saving space.

import useCoolHook, {HatStyleEnum} from 'Client/hooks/CoolHoook';

Also see similar snippet for js

source: stackoverflow

\- [ typescript ]