Snippets are one of my favorite parts of programming. The shear endless depth of command line tricks and customizations is so exciting! Here is a collection I maintain for myself to comeback to.

Also navigable by list of snippet types here.

soft merge -- 11.01.2020 %

$ git merge feature/tickets/NUTS-1231 --no-commit --no-ff

Sometimes you need to merge but only parcial files and you want fine control over everything and and possibly want to manually merge parts of files. This is when I use –no-commit –no-ff, ff for fast forward, it basically stages the entire merge making it easy to go trough and make changes. Using magit in spacemacs I go through hitting ‘u’ on files I don’t want unstaging them, then maybe ’e’ on a file to edit it via ediff, combining the new changes with orginal file seamlessy. Overall a fun and impowering workflow!



\- [ git ]

mutliplex all the shells -- 11.01.2020 %

$ tmux new -s 'example_session_name'

Creates a new tmux session with the name ’example_session_name’ which is very powerful and will exist even if you close out of the terminal.

Once you launch use <Ctrl + “> to split the window horizontally or <Ctrl + %> for vertically split and moving between windows with <Ctrl - Vim_Direction> You can detach and go back to shell at any time with <Ctrl + d> then reattach later with tmux new-s ’example_session_name’. If you forget the name a simple tmux ls show running sessions.

cheat sheet

\- [ tmux ]

rewrite history git history -- 11.01.2020 %

$ git rebase -i HEAD~3

Using this command you can rewrite a series of commits via dropping, fixing, squshing, and picking. It’s most helpful before pushing to a remote repo if you did a bunch of small commits you want to roll into one.


git docs

\- [ git ]

oops i take that back -- 11.01.2020 %

$ git revert sfjes_examplehash_f32f32h

Some times you only need to undo a spific commit, often when you have already pushed to orgin and can’t rebase past a certin point that’s where git revert comes in. Simply supply it with a commit hash and it will basiclly undo that commits changes. This can be combined with git rebase if you need to git revert servral commits then rebase all the reverts into a single revert.


git docs

\- [ git ]

silver searcher, it's like grep but faster and easier -- 11.01.2020 %

$ ag -G .php 'the meaning of the universe'

Life on the command line means grepping for things on a daily basis. After doing this for a while I memorized so may flag like grep -n for line numbers -i for case-insensitive and even the . to specify file directory. Then I discovered silver searcher, not only was the name a call back to one of my favorite comic book heroes but, it basically did work just as well as grep without all the flags and seemingly faster. It is now my go-to command for searching files whether it be inside vim via :r !ag -G .php ‘something’ or from the cli. It even has different outputs depending on the situation, in the cli it opens a temp window to browse results like less when piping or in vim it outputs a more machine-readable chunk of text with file paths, line numbers, and a single line of code.


silver searcher

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search pass from password -- 11.01.2020 %

$ pass list | ag aws

Being a CLI interface the UX of Pass fits amazingly into the rest of the shell ecosystem. Need can’t remember if you have a password for AWS saved, run this.


pass docs

\- [ pass ]

bulk import into pass -- 11.01.2020 %

$ passimport list.csv

Switching to Pass was not exactly a straightforward process. It lacks a built-in mass import feature and I was dealing with a few hundred passwords and as a programmer entering them manually was unthinkable. After looking around at several plugins for Pass nothing seemed simple enough so I wrote my open python script to handle the task. I later turned that script into an executable, run by this command, and pushed it to GitHub.

my repo


pass docs

\- [ pass ]

copy password from pass to the keyboard -- 11.01.2020 %

$ pass -c github

Switching to Pass, a CLI based password manager, was a big time saver for me. I was using Padlock, a minimalist open source electron based manager, but was wasting so much time waiting for the GUI to load up and entering my master password scrolling to the desired entry and clicking. I’m not a time-saving purist but it was downright annoying UX pattern. Now I don’t even have to leave the comfort of my keyboard.


pass docs

\- [ pass ]

see previous commit changes -- 11.01.2020 %

git log -p -2 or git lg -p -2

Viewing previous changes was something I relied on a GUI’s for, like GitLab/Source-Tree, until I found this command! The -p stands for –patch and the -2 stands for last two commits.


git docs

\- [ git ]

aws s3 sync -- 11.01.2020 %

$ aws s3 sync --acl public-read --sse AES256 build/ s3://

Having the ability to send a site live with a single command is heaven and not a BASH script with a bunch of moving parts liable to break. This command takes me back to the old days when putting a site live meant an FTP upload command to a server letting Apache take care of the rest. This site, for example, is hosted in an AWS S3 bucket that is connected to AWS CloudFront.


lustforge - great blog post

\- [ aws, s3 ]