emoji commit messages - 01-28-20

Something code reviews can be a bit monotonous but I always found emojis spice things up a bit. Unfortunately my xterm based terminal does not support normal UTF-8 emojis. When pasted directly from apple emoji keyboard I get nothing. Today I sought out a solution to this and found you can simply use :wrench: like shortcodes, similar to how emojis are handled in slack. Seems to work for both gitlab and github!


commit de3eb943b880c6f34e8398d22e6c7389e72cd30c
Author: Travis Shears <travis.shears@westwing.de>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 11:58:35 2020 +0100

    NOTICKET :sparkles: shared feature toggels POC
gitlab screencap

gitlab screencap

During this process I stumbled upon a open source project putting meaning behind the emojis in the development context.

| code                        | use case                                      |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| :art:                       | Improving structure / format of the code.     |
| :zap:                       | Improving performance.                        |
| :fire:                      | Removing code or files.                       |
| :bug:                       | Fixing a bug.                                 |
| :ambulance:                 | Critical hotfix.                              |
| :sparkles:                  | Introducing new features.                     |
| :pencil:                    | Writing docs.                                 |
| :rocket:                    | Deploying stuff.                              |
| :lipstick:                  | Updating the UI and style files.              |
| :tada:                      | Initial commit.                               |
| :white-check-mark:          | Updating tests.                               |
| :lock:                      | Fixing security issues.                       |
| :apple:                     | Fixing something on macOS.                    |
| :penguin:                   | Fixing something on Linux.                    |
| :checkered-flag:            | Fixing something on Windows.                  |
| :robot:                     | Fixing something on Android.                  |
| :green-apple:               | Fixing something on iOS.                      |
| :bookmark:                  | Releasing / Version tags.                     |
| :rotating-light:            | Removing linter warnings.                     |
| :construction:              | Work in progress.                             |
| :green-heart:               | Fixing CI Build.                              |
| :arrow-down:                | Downgrading dependencies.                     |
| :arrow-up:                  | Upgrading dependencies.                       |
| :pushpin:                   | Pinning dependencies to specific versions.    |
| :construction-worker:       | Adding CI build system.                       |
| :chart-with-upwards-trend:  | Adding analytics or tracking code.            |
| :recycle:                   | Refactoring code.                             |
| :whale:                     | Work about Docker.                            |
| :heavy-plus-sign:           | Adding a dependency.                          |
| :heavy-minus-sign:          | Removing a dependency.                        |
| :wrench:                    | Changing configuration files.                 |
| :globe-with-meridians:      | Internationalization and localization.        |
| :pencil:                    | Fixing typos.                                 |
| :poop:                      | Writing bad code that needs to be improved.   |
| :rewind:                    | Reverting changes.                            |
| :twisted-rightwards-arrows: | Merging branches.                             |
| :package:                   | Updating compiled files or packages.          |
| :alien:                     | Updating code due to external API changes.    |
| :truck:                     | Moving or renaming files.                     |
| :page-facing-up:            | Adding or updating license.                   |
| :boom:                      | Introducing breaking changes.                 |
| :bento:                     | Adding or updating assets.                    |
| :ok-hand:                   | Updating code due to code review changes.     |
| :wheelchair:                | Improving accessibility.                      |
| :bulb:                      | Documenting source code.                      |
| :beers:                     | Writing code drunkenly.                       |
| :speech-balloon:            | Updating text and literals.                   |
| :card-file-box:             | Performing database related changes.          |
| :loud-sound:                | Adding logs.                                  |
| :mute:                      | Removing logs.                                |
| :busts-in-silhouette:       | Adding contributor(s).                        |
| :children-crossing:         | Improving user experience / usability.        |
| :building-construction:     | Making architectural changes.                 |
| :iphone:                    | Working on responsive design.                 |
| :clown-face:                | Mocking things.                               |
| :egg:                       | Adding an easter egg.                         |
| :see-no-evil:               | Adding or updating a .gitignore file          |
| :camera-flash:              | Adding or updating snapshots                  |
| :alembic:                   | Experimenting new things                      |
| :mag:                       | Improving SEO                                 |
| :wheel-of-dharma:           | Work about Kubernetes                         |
| :label:                     | Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript)   |
| :seedling:                  | Adding or updating seed files                 |
| :triangular-flag-on-post:   | Adding, updating, or removing feature flags   |
| :goal-net:                  | Catching errors                               |
| :animation:                 | Adding or updating animations and transitions |
| :wastebasket:               | Deprecating code that needs to be cleaned up. |


\- [ git, emoji ]