• Always check not only the slope inclination, but also inclination of the overhanging cliffs
  • After 2-3 days fresh snow connects much better
  • <1.2 meters fresh snow is really succeptible to avalanches (?)
  • The first guy has 80% chance to trigger the avalanche
  • Collect the info about the slopes while going up
  • Sunny or not sunny side can have same chances of avalanche, depends on the specific parameters 
  • Getting warmer can also make more chances for avalanche
  • Lavis.ch
  • Airbag doesn’t make it worse, but on traps, where there is no segregation, it won’t help

Avalanche rescue:

  • Firstest thing - assess the situation: is it safe to do search? Who’s missing? Did they have beacons on?
  • Then - distribute responsibilities: someone’s calling rescue (knowing the exact location is super helpful, ortovox app might help), the other guys are organizing into a search party
  • Locate the spot where the guy(s) were seen last, mark it and search from that spot(s) below
  • Before beeper search do a visual check of the avalanche field first
  • On avalanche field clip off and walk for search, because it’s like a bumpy concrete
  • 20-30 meters is the signal distance between lines of search
  • For raw search walk fast, for fine search  (< 15m) - slow
  • Fine search - keep close to the ground, go on your knees
  • When found minimal value on axis, mark the spot and do perpendicular like check
  • Wait for 2 increasing measurements to consider direction as false
  • Proceed until there is no smaller number, whichever it might be (0.2 or 2.2)
  • Probing in spiral, marking the spot with the probe
  • Probing should be done 90° to the slope in a confident movement
  • Multiple colored section probes are much easier to read
  • Then shovelling, work in group
  • Shovel not too close to the probe - we’re digging the guy from the side
  • First thing - uncover mouth, check vitals
  • If not breathing - do CPR, put him on a flat, solid surface
  • Don’t let the unburied do exercises or he might collapse
  • In multiple burial scenario dig the mouth, check the vitals, switch off his beacon and proceed with search of others
  • Try to practice avalanche safety more or less regularly
  • Do the first aid course
  • Buy the gear, and buy a backpack with a special compartment if possible - seconds which it takes to find and deploy gear do matter
  • Digging into avalanche snow is REALLY hard


  • Weather pro
  • Alpenverein Aktiv
  • White risk
  • Windy
  • Snowsafe
  • FatMap